Brass perpetual calendar

Tento krásný věčný kalendář, založený na starém systému Dominical Letters, vám umožní najít každý den v týdnu mezi 1600-2799. Je vyroben v renesančním stylu. More

Product code: 223796Shipping and Payment

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Tento krásný věčný kalendář, založený na starém systému Dominical Letters, vám umožní najít každý den v týdnu mezi 1600-2799. Je vyroben v renesančním stylu. More

Product code: 223796Shipping and Payment

Brass perpetual calendar on wooden base

This beautiful perpetual calendar, based on the old Dominical Letters system, allows you to find each day of the week between 1600-2799. It is made in a Renaissance style. The brass calendar is placed on a wooden base. The combination of these two materials fits perfectly into any interior. The product is packed in a beautiful elegant box with accessories. This will ensure that your calendar is safe and undamaged.

This perpetual calendar will make a great gift for your loved ones as well as an elegant business gift. It is also great as a beautiful decoration for your interior. It looks great in an elegant office or a stylish living room.

Interestingly, using the perpetual calendar is surprisingly easy. The set includes original instructions in several languages: English, French, Spanish and Italian. Thanks to this, you can read any date without any problems!


Diameter 9 cm
Depth 6 cm

The calendar is based on the names of the month and the days of the week in Spanish. Translation below:

Ene-gener - January
February - febrero - February
Mar - Marzo - March
abr- abril - April
May- mayo - May
Jun - Junio - June
Jul - julio - July
Ago- agosto - August
Sep - septiembre - September
Oct - octubre - October
Nov - noviembre - November
Dic - diciembre - December
Working days:
L - lunes - Mondays.
M - martes - Tuesday.
X - miércoles - Wednesday.
J - Jueves - Thursday.
V - divendres - Friday.
S - Sabado - Saturday.
D - Domingo - Sunday

Centuria - age