Interactive school bus with animals and sounds

Barevný interaktivní školní autobus pro ty nejmenší! Autíčko při pohybu vydává zvuky, mění směr jízdy, blikají mu světýlka. Na střeše autíčka se nachází imitace knížečky, která vydává zvuky zvířátek. More

Product code: 2892Shipping and Payment

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Barevný interaktivní školní autobus pro ty nejmenší! Autíčko při pohybu vydává zvuky, mění směr jízdy, blikají mu světýlka. Na střeše autíčka se nachází imitace knížečky, která vydává zvuky zvířátek. More

Product code: 2892Shipping and Payment

A colourful interactive school bus for the little ones!

The car is made to make sounds when it moves! The car changes direction when it hits an obstacle! Lights flash while the car is moving!

On the roof of the car there is an imitation book that makes animal sounds. The book contains the sounds of: goat, dog, tiger, cat, bird, duck, hen, horse, cow and frog.

Buttons with pictures and sounds of animals - creates an interesting story.

The car can be opened at the back.

The driver and passenger sit behind the wheel, happily swaying to the rhythm of the tune being played!

Thanks to this toy, your child will develop properly, in addition, he will also learn to recognize the colors and sounds of animals!

The car is a very interesting toy for the child thanks to its colorfulness and other features!

The toy is suitable for children older than 1 year.

3 AA batteries are enough to power the car/ not included/