Luxury bedspread - beige 220 × 240 cm

Zahalte svou ložnici do luxusu. Do přehozu z materiálu, který draze nejen vypadá. Je jemný a hypoalergenní.
Přehozy na postel jsou záchranou. Ráno usnadňují stlaní postele a večer naopak můžou posloužit jako příjemná deka. More

Product code: 9.1082Shipping and Payment

Soon will be in stock Watch availability - Soon will be in stock

Zahalte svou ložnici do luxusu. Do přehozu z materiálu, který draze nejen vypadá. Je jemný a hypoalergenní.
Přehozy na postel jsou záchranou. Ráno usnadňují stlaní postele a večer naopak můžou posloužit jako příjemná deka. More

Product code: 9.1082Shipping and Payment

Wrap your bedroom in luxury. In a bedspread made of a material that doesn't just look expensive. It's soft and hypoallergenic. It won't irritate the eye or the skin. On the contrary. It soothes and caresses.

Bedspreads are a lifesaver. In the morning they make it easier to make the bed and in the evening they can serve as a cosy blanket. They make the interior look tidy. Clean and harmonious. And that's important for a restful sleep. Don't underestimate the environment in which you fall asleep. Wrap it (and yourself) in a practical bedspread.

You know the drill. You make your bed, you lie down .

100% polyester

Dimensions: 220 × 240 cm

Recommended maintenance:

  • Wash at 30 °C before first use.
  • Wash in an unloaded washing machine and without lighteners
  • after washing, remove immediately from the washing machine and hang up